Symbols of the world's religions



Bhau Kalchuri

For those attending the sahavas [1955], Baba dictated instructions for each man to read carefully, which were posted on bulletin boards in the lower Meherabad hall. They were as follows:

Directions Given By Meher Baba
November 1955

Particularly for the participants of the sahavas weeks, and in general for all connected with Baba. I want you to read carefully and absorb these directions, as well as the other items arranged alongside, namely:

1. The framed gist of the Circular Number 25 of May 1st, 1955.

2. The two charts on God and Love (done by Rano Gayley).

3. The list of donations for the sahavas weeks (made by various Indian devotees).

No one, and that also includes those who have come for the sahavas, should under any circumstances — either directly or indirectly — ask me for favors, rewards, money, jobs, health or other material things, not even for spiritual gain. The best is not to ask for anything.

If anything at all is to be asked for, then first one should ponder whether one has the required degree of determination and courage to ask for the love of Baba. If one has that much determination and courage, one should be ready to surrender so completely as literally to give up and let go of everything — body, mind and heart. And, the self should be able to remain alive and dead simultaneously.

To all of you who believe and feel that I am the Avatar, I say that there is no need at all to ask me for anything, because I must know best when and what to do for one and all, and what to give to one and all.

Your faith and belief demand then that you should feel happy to be resigned equally to whatever comes from me or whatever is taken away by me. As and when I bless anyone with peace and plenty, money and children, name and fame, et cetera, he and others should not feel elated at this. Their concern should be only to keep their minds and hearts focussed on what they believe me to be, the One Reality.

If I am free to give as I wish, I must also remain free to take away as and when I deem it best, in any way and at any time. That also means that as and when I take anything away from anyone, he should not raise a cry, because his concern must likewise remain focussed on my Reality and not on the thing I take away.

From the Beginning of all Beginnings I have been saying, I say it now, and to the End of Ends I will say it, that he who loves God becomes God.

It is a fact that I have come among you. One of these days, the whole world will come to realize how I have come, where I have come from and the purpose of my coming.

I repeat once again that I have come neither to establish panths (groups) and jaats (classes) nor to establish mandirs (temples), masjids (mosques), churches and ashrams in the world. I have come to receive the beauty and give the blessings of love. All else but God is illusion — whether rites, rituals or ceremonies in the name of religion, worldly possessions, family, money or one's own physical body. All else but God is illusion.

In response to my call to one and all to leave all and come to me, some have come. A few have responded for the sake of spiritual enlightenment, others to gain peace and escape from worldly strife and entanglements, while a few have come through their love for me to find me as I am. Those who have come to me have naturally become dependent upon me, but in spite of that, I, as Baba, remain free and independent.

I have been seeing to their requirements with the money which has been coming and going in the spirit of love. I accept with love what is offered to me with love, and I also disburse it out of love. I neither obtain money through miracles nor am I connected with any moneymaking business. There are those who have offered what they can spare, and there are those who have dedicated their all to me and to my cause of love, unmindful of money for the sake of money.


LORD MEHER, 1st USA ed, pp. 4658-4659
2003 © Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust


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