Symbols of the world's religions



Arnavaz N. Dadachanji

After his [Nariman's] death I found myself remembering moments when Baba had shown His special love for Nariman. Once when we were in Poona, Baba felt that something had upset Nariman and asked me to find out what had happened and let Him know. With great difficulty, because he kept problems to himself if he thought they might hurt me, Nariman told me why he was upset and I informed Baba. "Why didn't Nariman tell Me?" He asked. Baba then gave me this message for him: "Today after seeing the expression on your face, my heart was lacerated. I love you more than you can know. Everything will change. Keep happy. Sleep well. Eat well." Then Baba said to me, "Whenever Nariman feels unhappy, My heart is distressed."

Even though Nariman would never talk about his troubles or pains to Baba, bearing everything silently, Baba in His all-knowing would often convey His love through letters or by phone. One time when I was with Baba in Guruprasad and Nariman was in Bombay, Baba told Eruch to phone him with the following message: "Be happy and don't think about anything. If you will remain happy, Baba will be happy. Baba says, 'I know everything. Don't think about anything. Everything will be all right.' Baba sends much love to you."

Another time, in mandali hall, Baba said to Nariman, "When you need Me, I am there. When I need you, you are there." Baba told me that He felt happy when Nariman and I came to stay with Him. He said, "My greatest lovers in Bombay are Arnavaz and Nariman. They are My best lovers. There is no pair like this." Baba even referred to Nariman as a saint.

Once when my family were all at Ashiana and Baba was discussing certain problems with us, He said, "You have no idea who Nariman is. There is no one comparable to him. It is difficult to find one like him. He is a saint."


15th March 1965
Arnavaz Dadachanji

My Love and Blessing to you who are one of the brightest jewels in my Divine Treasury. Give my Love to My dear Nariman who holds this jewel to his heart in trust for Me.

Meher Baba

GIFT OF GOD, pp. 210-211
1996 © Meherazad Trust for Avatar Meher Baba


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