Symbols of the world's religions



Meher Baba

On June 26th, 1925, Meher Baba declared that he would observe silence from the 10th of July. A sign about his statement was painted and erected at the entrance to Meherabad. Notices were printed and mailed announcing that Meher Baba would not speak with anyone for one year. It was intimated through the notices that, from the 1st of July, the Master would not give darshan to any outsiders. Baba wanted to have sufficient time to give final instructions to the men and women at Meherabad about their stay and duties.

During a discussion of the upcoming year of silence, one person expressed the concern that Baba, on becoming upset with any person, might let a few words slip from his mouth. But Baba assured everyone present that once he started to keep silence he would not lose control of his temper or utter a word thereafter.

Baba concluded the meeting by singing a poem, which was to be his last song:

As soon as I became conscious of Shyam Sunder —
The Beauty of the Lord Krishna —
A mustard seed blossomed before my eyes.
Oh, its yellow flowers!
What I saw is indescribable!
Its seed moved the mountain
when it flowered before my eyes.

Afterward, Baba explained the poem: "The blossoming of the mustard seed represents God-Realization; the seed, itself, represents the soul. Hence, when the seed moved the mountain, I became divinely conscious, and simultaneously the soul engulfed the mountain of my ego. The beauty of the Lord is ineffable; yet, it is seen — it is experienced."


LORD MEHER, 1st USA ed, vol. 2, p. 728, Bhau Kalchuri
1987 © Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust


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