Symbols of the world's religions


Part Six (final)


Cathy's Story

There is one experience with Mehera that has remained, for me, an incredible memory and gift. It has filled me with strength for many years. It occurred one wonderful day in mandali Hall in Meherazad when I was fooling around, kidding and joking with Janet Luck. Mani, Baba's sister, had come in and just played her sitar for us, and we were all in a very happy state.

Then we were invited to join Mehera, who had just come out onto her porch. Janet and I bubbled our way over to the porch to find that Mehera was in a sad, lonely mood, missing Baba so much. She was near tears, as I remember. As we sat there, we were all very aware of her sorrow, and we wanted to find a way to cheer her up. Since Janet and I were in a bubbly mood, I'm sure Baba used this energy to make his Mehera feel happy.

"I know," Janet suddenly exclaimed, "let me show you the broom trick." Someone brought her a broom, and she proceeded to perform this impressive, elaborate, gymnastic feat.

Starting with the broom in front of her, she stepped over it and then somehow lifted it over her head without ever moving her hands from either side. As all of these gymnastic machinations transpired, Janet looked as though she was tied like a pretzel. But she finally came out of it, and everybody clapped enthusiastically.

I decided I would try it, and I jumped up. Baba must have put me into this rather wild state, and I grabbed the broom, announcing, "I, too, am going to do the broom trick!" Of course, I was much less supple than Janet, and I stood there in my long skirt, doubled over, struggling to maneuver the broom -- a most ungainly mess of a pretzel.

All at once I saw the humor of it, and I started to capitalize on my absurdity by grunting like a mad monkey, jumping around and acting crazy. But I persevered and got through. Finally, I triumphantly raised the broom above my head, grunting in victory like an ecstatic Hanuman -- or Hanumaness.

But what was so wonderful was that as Mehera became more and more taken with my insane pantomime, she started laughing and laughing. My silliness had helped to break the mood of her missing her Beloved Baba, and I was so happy to see her coming out of that sadness. We all breathed a sigh of relief to see her laughing so joyously.

With great sweetness and love, Mehera said to me, "That was very good. Baba would like that. You persevered and you kept going. You didn't stop until you completed your task. Perseverance is a very spiritual quality. Always remember to persevere in your journey to Beloved Baba!"

I've never forgotten that. Every time I'm in a deep pickle, the story of Mehera and the perturbed pretzel reminds me of that day. Baba wants us to continually persevere with him and for him. He takes ten steps to us but we have to take that one step, even though it may be very difficult. As Mehera said, Baba wants us not to give up. And we will be merged with him one day.

Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai!


MEHER BABA'S NEXT WAVE, edited by Carolyn M. Ball, Pages 83-85
2000 © Carolyn M. Ball


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