Symbols of the world's religions



Meher Baba

One of the first gross forms of reptiles had three heads. It was about one hundred and seventy-five feet long and fourteen feet wide. The middle head was about six feet in circumference. The three heads were joined together. The side heads were about two feet in circumference.

Its front part resembled a reptile and the back a fish — the front was stout and the back portion thin. Its belly was ten feet round and tapered to a breadth of six feet at the tail.

The middle head contained a jaw with teeth, just like the fish; but the side heads had only holes connected with the gills, and no teeth. All three mouths were connected with one another, and when breathing they breathed simultaneously as it had one windpipe.

Each head had an eye, so the creature had three eyes.


LORD MEHER, 1st USA ed, vol. 5, pp. 1871-1872, Bhau Kalchuri
2003 © Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust.


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