Symbols of the world's religions



Jane Barry Haynes


Turf Club
Poona, India
November 9, 1962

Dearest Beloved Baba,

If only I can retain in my heart the beauty of last night and the dawn this morning. When Minoo and Adi came running down the walk to tell me that You said that I was to keep the bridal Bouquet and the Garland in my room all night, I knew in my heart of hearts why You had sent them to me.*

The fragrance of Your Love filled my room: I looked at them through the white of the netting and I knew that it was my bridal chamber. What else could You have meant? When the dawn waked me, soft light filled the room with diffused splendor and I felt Your sweet fragrance near me. My secret inner prayers to You are now answered: "If I couldst be Thy bride."

Oh my Beloved, let me remain yours forever. I would be pure and strong for you. I would have every beat of my heart say: Oh Beloved Baba, my Lord, my own.

When we leave Your birthplace, I will know that You are with me. I will cherish these moments and days in years to come at Your home at the Center where I can remain close with You. I remember that You said to me, "I will be with you always — physically." Now I know that you are truly with me and I am overcome with joy.

Oh my Beloved, I know that I am Your bride, though I am unworthy to even speak Your name. You have taken me unto You; and You will never desert me.

I pray that You do not suffer, though I know that You must. And I pray for all those who help You in Your suffering and lighten your days. I love You and I bow at Your feet in surrender for now and forever.

Your Jane

*There had been a wedding in Pune on November 8; Beloved Baba blessed the couple, and then He wore the garland around His neck.


1997 © EliNor Publications


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