Symbols of the world's religions



Meher Baba

It is natural to be tired on account of the body. Although thebody and mind are two different entities, they are interdependent.When the mind feels tired, the reaction is felt by the body; whenthe body feels tired, so does the mind. Only the soul is aloof fromboth. All this feeling is done by the ego. The "I" does not feelcontent; that means "I am unhappy," "I am in trouble." All this isthe ego.

Now this limited "I" takes all that is unimportant as important,and vice versa. There is a world of difference between importanceand necessity. Bodily needs and comforts are unimportant butnecessary. Spirituality, which is important but externallyunnecessary, is taken as unimportant.

See how unimportant the external is. Quetta was a flourishingtown and within five minutes it was destroyed. This is unimportant.If it were of real importance, the Infinite would not have itdestroyed. Look at Spain. All that was thought to be of importancewas destroyed.

All illusion comes and goes, but the soul remains unchanged. Whatis meant by God-realization is to actually experience this importantthing — that the soul is eternal.


LOVE ALONE PREVAILS, Kitty Davy, p. 157
1981 © Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust


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