Symbols of the world's religions



C. B. Purdom

Baba has 'said' many times that he would break his silence. As long ago as early 1927, less than two years after the silence started, he said that he would speak in five days. He did not. He made a promise to speak in Hollywood in July 1932, but did not. In April 1941 he said:

I will speak on the 1st August 1941, the Divine Word to myself and in myself, the word of the Will of God, that will begin the resurrection of the dead world; and this speaking-to-myself operation will continue till the 15th February 1942, the day I will publicly and universally speak, the day that my world manifestation will come to full expression, the day that the six months' self-speaking operation will bring out the subsequent unfoldment of the spiritual revival and the day that the disciples of my circle will realize the truth. My present seclusion will continue till 15th April, from April 15th 1941 to February 15th 1942, my seclusion will be more absolute.

It will be observed that he speaks here of a 'speaking-to-myself' which was to last for six months. What this meant he has not disclosed and he did not speak in February 1942. In Poona in November 1962 he said that the following year, 1963, would be devoted to 'preparation for the urge' to speak. No one has ever heard him speak to himself, not even those who have been with him day and night, and are near to him during his seclusions.

I was once told by Ramjoo that years ago Baba informed some of the mandali that he proposed to speak, and brought a number of them to a distant place, which they reached after days of strenuous walking. When they arrived he made each stand around him at a distance of fifty feet or more with their backs to him, he standing in the centre; at the clapping of his hands they were to turn to him and he would speak. He clapped his hands, they turned, but heard nothing. He smiled and beckoned them to him. Why had he not spoken? they asked.

He said, 'Do you not know I am always speaking?'

Indeed, he has said that 'the voice of intuition is my voice.'


THE GOD-MAN, pp. 412-413
1971 © Meher Spiritual Center, Inc.


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