Symbols of the world's religions



Kitty Davy

From the kitchen Baba would go to the garden where the plants were being watered or seeds sown, or go to the office room to discuss the Meher Baba Journal, and go to the sewing room to take an interest in what was being made. Baba, through His example, showed that the life of the spirit is unified, though made up of so many particles — a widening of interest, not a cutting down.

One felt Baba's personal interest served a double purpose, for it also constituted a point of contact with the doer. It seemed that through such activity one came closer to Baba. He overlooked no one. No one knew when Baba would be just around the corner. This kept up a certain stimulating and tense feeling of expectancy, which one immediately missed when Baba was away.

To one and all, Baba had a welcoming smile, a touch on the shoulder, an unspoken gesture signifying, "Are you happy? Are you well?" And in a strange way, one's frown or negative mood would disappear.

No one can realize how much we did have of Baba's personal supervision, interest and care in the early years of training in Meherabad ashram. Surely He was day by day giving us the example by which we were to remold our own lives: an example of Love in daily action.

We, too, must find time for apparent trifles — show the kindly interest, speak the helpful word, be ever ready to adapt to changing circumstances, our own and others — and not be so busy or preoccupied that we could not attend to our neighbor's need; to put them off with, "Oh, don't bother me now. Really I have not the time and what's more I don't know. Find out from someone else." And with a frustrated and annoyed look add, "So sorry, ask me another time."


1981 © Meher Spiritual Center, Inc.


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