Symbols of the world's religions



Meher Baba

[April 24, 1955]

In keeping with my general instructions, news was recently given me of the death of R. and A.'s younger son at Karachi. I asked for full details ... the little boy accidentally fell from the upper story of their house and died within half an hour from severe injuries ... both the mother and father of the child love me ... A. was present at the Meherabad meeting in September ... he and his wife, amongst others, had organized the round-the-clock prayer or japa (repetition of God's name) as desired by me for the period ending April 30 1955.

Before R. and A. could make arrangements for the disposition of the mutilated body of their son, it was time for A. to attend and maintain the continuity of the japa — this he did promptly, without a second thought ... it was after much persuasion that R. allowed another to take her place in carrying out the prayer schedule ... when I heard all this my heart was pierced and I felt very happy with their love.

Even as you sit before me, some of you can't help thinking or worrying over such things as money, health, etc. ... those who are free for the moment from such thoughts are nevertheless susceptible to worry over the inevitabilities of daily life ... just realize the sense of duty and love on the part of my dear R. and A. ... I doubt whether I, in their place, would have remembered God's name so well.

When connected with my work or carried out under my instructions, all prayers — whether carried out mechanically or in the true spirit — are helpful to my work. When prayers are offered in the spirit in which A. offered them, they help me greatly.... Those who have been participating in maintaining the continuity of prayers (japa) day and night as desired by me, should go on doing so at least up to the end of April ... if possible, I would prefer, them to be continued for the next three months, till July end.

The japas and tapas (Prayers and penances) as carried out by Rishis and Munis (saints and sages) for interminable periods have a significance of their own ... all other so-called prayers offered mechanically have no true value for an aspirant to the Path of God-realization.


Compiled by a disciple of Meher Baba
from His various comments and remarks of April 24, 1955 at Satara, India
Published by The Meher Center, Myrtle Beach, July 1955


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