Symbols of the world's religions



Elizabeth Patterson

From the beginning when Baba said to look for a suitable place for a Center, one of the qualifications was that the property should be given from the heart — Baba did not say whose heart, and at the time He sent Norina and me forth to find it, neither one of us had but little money. But it came through my Father's heart to me and through my heart to Baba and through Baba's great Universal Heart to the Meher Spiritual Center, Inc., which He wanted formed, and so it is in no individual's name.

Baba shows us how to do things with our life and also with money. When certain things had to be done in the early days, Baba asked a few to contribute. Norina, as far as I know, gave the most, because she paid the cost of the new ashram that was built for us Westerners to stay in Nasik. It is interesting that Baba asked her to do this when she had no money to give — then it came through untoward circumstance — and just in time for us all to stay in Nasik Ashram.

Suppose Norina had not given this sum, Delia, Margaret, Kitty, myself, and many others would not have had about one year in India at that time. Are we not all the richer for it? Did Norina starve and suffer want because of what she gave with the heart to Baba? She went on to give all her life of her talents, such as lecturing about Baba. No one except Baba and I know how much of the work, planning, and artistic charm of the Center is hers.

I am sure Margaret, towards trips, has given generously and Delia in the early days, when Baba came with His disciples from India, or they went for a stay on the Continent with Baba and his Indian disciples. But are they any poorer for it and not infinitely richer in many ways? Even materially they are doing well. Margaret has a much better-paid post at the Metropolitan, than ever she did with her own school in London; and Delia travels to Panama and will later go to India.

If anyone asks you how you and Trio [Jane and John, Wendy and Charles Haynes] are going to India, just say quietly: Baba will provide in His own way for those who long to go to Him.


1997 © EliNor Publications, Inc.


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