Symbols of the world's religions


Dr. William Donkin

I Have Been Driving The Bus
There is no doubt that Baba likes to make one exasperated and tired in order to work on one.
My Days With the Master
31/7/39 Meherabad, Ahmednagar, India: I left London on July 7th or 8th; I forget the exact date now: it was anyhow a Saturday.
Avatars Are Qalanders
Baba explained to Ghani the other day the difference between a Qalander, a Salik, and a Majzoob.
Just You And Me
Baba's birthday gift to Dr. Donkin, dictated to Dr. Ghani.
William's Role In The Last Darshan
Not only was he responsible for organizing safe accommodation for the Westerners, but he also suddenly inherited 700 potential patients.

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